August 17, 2019
Views: 9161
We know there're many wig wearers who ask themselves the question "Is it even worth it to bring a wig on my trip?" when packing their suitcases.
The answer is "Yes!" Why? When you pack your suitcase, you will pack your favorite vacation outfits, shoes, makeup, fancy handbags and jewelry, so you definitely want to pack your wig too because you want your hair to look perfect!
But here's the thing: properly packing and travelling with your wig might be a daunting prospect if you are new to the wig game.
Today, we will answer some common wig travel questions and we'll also share some tips with you, so you can feel confident packing your wig on your next trip.
Q: How do I pack my wig properly?
A: First, it is best to stuff the wig cap with scrunched up tissue paper. This will help maintain the wig caps shape. Secondly you should brush the wigs hair out and then wrap a large hair net over the entire wig (take time to fit in the whole wig even if it is a long wig) to limit tangling. Thirdly, place your wig inside a bag. We recommend you use a plastic bag (or even better is a silk bag if you have one), instead of a wig box because this will save space in your luggage and help to cushion your wigs. Lastly, keep a little air in the bag and then seal it shut to keep your wig from getting squished.
Q: Will I have to take off my wig for airport security?
A: No!
Wigs are just like your clothing, so airport security machines can see through your wig. It is very unlikely that TSA security would ask you to remove your wig.
The only time that you may need to remove your wig for a TSA agent is if they suspect that you may be hiding something under your wig. For this reason, it is best to avoid wearing too many metal bobby pins that could set off a sensor or raise suspicion.
If you are asked to take off your wig and don't feel comfortable doing so in front of all of the people at security - who would? - feel free to discreetly tell the TSA agent that you are wearing a wig and would like a private room. They will allow you to do this in a private room where you can take off your wig without feeling stressed.
Q: What wig care products/tools should I bring with me?
A: Consider bringing a portable wig stand with you. As soon as you arrive at the hotel, find your wig from your suitcase and place it on the portable wig stand. This will maintain your wigs shape your whole holiday when it's not in use, and not get creased or tangled. The Portable Hanging Wig Stand( is perfect for traveling!
Other wig care products/tools to consider bringing:
A wide tooth comb: remember to gently brush your wig after every time you use it and before you put your wig on the stand.
Wig Shampoo & Conditioner: Your wig might get wet or dirty during your trip so it's a good idea to wash it. It can be tempting to use the hotel's 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner to wash your wig, but it's best to bring travel size separate shampoo and conditioner bottles which will be kinder to your wig.
Curling iron/Straightener: bringing these heat tools will help you easily style your wig before you go out with it for that fancy evening dinner.
We hope this Wig Travel Guide FAQ's helped you. Let us know how you maintain your wig's style; we would love to know if you have any more great tips for travelling with wigs!
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