March 02, 2020
Views: 20173
Wearing a wig cap is a personal choice for wig-wearers and many people choose not to wear a wig cap when they wear their wigs. This may be due to the extra layer and heat on the scalp (especially during summer), a personal preference, or even those with very short hair where they don't feel a wig is necessary.
We usually recommend wearing a wig cap, as it brings a variety of benefits to wig-wearing and adds comfort, as well as being a barrier in between your scalp and the wig, making it a hygienic option.
We have listed the pros and cons here so you can make the decision best for you.
For People with Full or Partial Hair Loss
1. Wig caps are great for sensitive scalps. If you have a sensitive scalp, putting on a wig cap just before you throw on your wig will provide you with a level of comfort and shield for your scalp. If you have total hair loss, you may not want to wear a wig without a wig cap because it would shield your head better.
2. During the day, there could be a buildup of sweat just underneath your wig and this can be expected especially if you wear your wigs for long periods on end. Your wig could move or slip from its place because of all the oils that are in play. Wig caps help your wig to stay on more securely.
3. Wig caps also make wig-wearing more hygienic, as you can wash wig caps with your laundry and wear a fresh wig cap every day to keep your scalp and wig fresh.
4. For people experiencing hair loss whether partial or otherwise, wig caps are efficient in holding all your hair in place under your wig. This is great because then you don't have to worry about flyaway hair or any strand out of place.
5. If you are experiencing total hair loss, you might need a wig cap for your wigs. A soft wig cap will provide you with another layer so that it prevents chafing from the wig's fabric and adds comfort to your scalp.
6. If you have total hair loss and are undergoing treatment that includes hot flushes, a wig cap can add to the heat you're trying to get rid which can be uncomfortable.
7. Often "one size fits all", doesn't fit everyone, as people have different sized heads in slightly different shapes. So, another flaw is having to find a wig cap that fits your head properly.
8. Another downside to wig caps for total hair loss is the material. There are a lot of cheap wig caps made from low-quality materials, so be careful when choosing one. It is best to go for a high-quality, breathable, and stretchy wig cap sold from a reputable company.
For People with Hair
9. With a head full of hair, wigs can still cause itchiness, so you'd be better off with a wig cap that acts as a layer of comfort underneath your wig.
10. Of course, wig caps act as clamps for your natural hair. It might be a bit tricky to get all of your hair underneath your wig (especially if you have long or thick hair) but a wig cap ensures it's all put together.
11. Your natural hair could cause lumps and bumps under your wig but a wig cap can help smooth this out.
12. You could overheat and this isn't good. If you have lots of hair and wear a wig cap with a wig on top, it can indeed make you hot. If you live in a hot country this can cause overheating.
13. Wig caps can be a bit tight and with a head full of hair, and there could be some constraints underneath. When your wig cap is too tight, you may begin to have bouts of headaches and even feel lightheaded. It is best to go for a wig cap that is a little loose.
Choosing Wig Caps
So, considering that wig caps may or may not be good for you, there are some things you should consider when choosing them. Apart from irritable or sensitive skin which are things you already know here are some other tips.
• Texture
A lot of people react differently to different materials. If you are sensitive to silk or nylon clothing, you should not wear it on your head.
Nylon wig caps can help your wig stay in place and not slide off. A silk wig cap, on the other hand, protects your hair from any damage and reduces frizz. Cotton, however, can absorb all the moisture in your hair and make it dry. Either way, you should look out for wig caps that can offer you a little bit of ventilation.
• Color
Choosing wig caps that are the same color as your wig can look less obvious and more flawless. So, if you're blonde or wear a blonde wig, opt for a beige tone wig cap, and if you wear a brunette wig, a darker wig cap will suit you.
So, whatever the color or texture of the wig cap, the decision to wear a wig cap is up to you and boils down to your choice and lifestyle.
Find a wig cap here:
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