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Can Synthetic Wigs Be Straightened And Curled? Here Are 8 Simplest Methods

June 09, 2024 Views: 4369

Can you straighten or curl a synthetic wig? The answer is yes!

When setting a new curly or straight style, spray the wig lightly with a synthetic-friendly holding product to help the new shape last. Store curled or straightened synthetic wigs properly on a wig head or hang them upright to maintain the fresh style. With a little patience and the right approach, you can definitely straighten or curl synthetic wigs safely to achieve your desired look!

Perfect Curl Professional Curl Machine

No matter which straightening method you use, always be gentle with synthetic wigs. Avoid excessive pulling, brushing or heat which can rough up and damage the delicate fibers. You can easily straighten most synthetic wigs with proper care and the right techniques. Here we will discuss easy peasy methods to straighten and curly the synthetic wigs:

Curling Methods for Synthetic Wigs

1) Flexi-Rod Set

Flexi-rods are one of the simplest and gentlest ways to curl synthetic wigs. These rods do not require any heat which means that they will not cause any harm to your wig’s strands.

What You Need:

  • Flexi-rods (of varying sizes)
  • Wig clips or bobby pins
  • Water or setting lotion

Flexi-rods to curl  a synthetic wig

How To Do It:

  1. Start with a clean, detangled synthetic wigs.
  2. Section the hair and lightly spritz each section with water or setting lotion.
  3. Take each section and wind it around the flexi-rod from ends to roots.
  4. Secure the flexi-rod in place using a wig clip or bobby pin.
  5. Let the wig air dry completely. You can use a cool setting blow dryer to speed it up.
  6. Once fully dry, gently unravel the flexi-rods to reveal beautiful curls.

2) Steam Curling

Steam is a gentle way to curl synthetic wigs fibers temporarily. The steam helps reset the style so you can mold gorgeous curls.

Steam Curling for a synthetic wig

What You Need:

  • Handheld garment steamer or pot of boiling water
  • Wig clips or bobby pins
  • Wig stand or heat-safe surface

How To Do It:

  1. Start with a clean, detangled synthetic wigs.
  2. Section the hair and lightly mist each section with water.
  3. Wrap or mold each section into your desired curl pattern.
  4. Secure the curled sections with wig clips or bobby pins.
  5. Hold the steamer a few inches away and steam each section for a few seconds.
  6. Repeat steaming all the sections you want curled.
  7. Allow the wig to cool completely before removing clips and styling.

3) Curl Refresher Spray

Many brands make special curl refresher sprays designed just for reviving curls in synthetic wigs safely.

What You Need:

  • Synthetic wigs curl refresher spray
  • Wig clips or bobby pins
  • Flexi-rods or foam rollers (optional)

How To Do It:

  1. Start with a clean, detangled synthetic wigs.
  2. Section the hair and generously mist each section with the curl refresher spray.
  3. You can allow the hair to air dry in its natural wave pattern for looser curls.
  4. Or wrap sections around flexi-rods or foam rollers to set tighter curls.
  5. Secure the rods in place with wig clips as you go.
  6. Allow to fully dry before removing rods and styling curls.

4) Rag Curl Setting

This old-fashioned method uses rags to cheaply and easily set curls into a synthetic wigs with no heat required.

What You Need:

  • Strips of clean fabric or rags
  • Water or setting lotion
  • Wig clips (optional)

How To Do It:

  1. Start with clean, detangled synthetic hair.
  2. Lightly mist the hair all over with water or setting lotion.
  3. Take a small section and wrap it around two fingers to make a curl shape.
  4. Tightly wrap a rag strip around the curl all the way to the roots.
  5. Optionally use a wig clip to secure the rag-wrapped curl in place.
  6. Repeat wrapping all sections you want curled.
  7. Allow to dry fully before removing rags to reveal curls.

Straightening Methods for Synthetic Wigs


1) Flat Iron (Heat-Resistant Wigs Only)

This method is only apply to heat-resistant synthetic wigs.

What You Need:

  • Flat iron
  • Heat protectant spray or serum
  • Wig clips

How To Do It:

  1. Begin with a clean, brushed synthetic wigs.
  2. Mist the wig with a heat protectant product, focusing on the ends.
  3. Section the hair and clip away the sections you aren’t straightening yet.
  4. Set flat iron to the absolute lowest heat setting around 250°F - 300°F max.
  5. Clamp a small section between the flat iron plates.
  6. Slowly glide the flat iron down the section from roots to ends.
  7. Repeat on all sections until fully straightened.
  8. Allow wig to cool before brushing or styling fully

flat iron

2) Blow Drying

A blow dryer can gently straighten and stretch out curls or waves in many synthetic wigs without direct heat.

What You Need:

  • Blow dryer with concentrator nozzle
  • Wig brush or comb
  • Heat protectant spray (optional)

How To Do It:

  1. Start with clean, detangled synthetic hair.
  2. Optionally, mist with a heat protectant product first.
  3. Section the hair and clip away untouched sections.
  4. Use the blow dryer on a cool or low warmth setting with the concentrator nozzle.
  5. Firmly brush down and stretch out each section with the concentrator airflow following.
  6. Keep brushing and drying each section straight and smooth.
  7. Allow to fully cool before styling the straightened hair.

3) Stretching and Setting

This method uses gravity to gently reset and stretch out the synthetic wig’s curl pattern as it dries.

What You Need:

  • Wig stand or styling head
  • Wig clamps or duct tape
  • Water spritz bottle

How To Do It:

  1. Secure the synthetic wigs firmly onto a wig stand or styling head.
  2. Generously mist the wig all over with clean water until damp.
  3. Take one section at a time and gently stretch it straight and taut.
  4. Use wig clamps or duct tape to hold each stretched section in place.
  5. Repeat stretching and setting all sections until the full wig is straight.
  6. Allow it to fully air dry straight before removing wig from stand.

4) Commercial Straightening Products

Many brands offer special straightening serums, glosses or sprays made for synthetic wigs.

What You Need:

  • Synthetic wigs straightening product
  • tooth comb
  • Wig clips

How To Do It:

  1. Start with a clean, dampened synthetic wigs.
  2. Generously apply the straightening product all over the wig, working it through.
  3. Section the hair and clip away the sections you aren’t straightening yet.
  4. Using a wide-tooth comb, gently detangle and smooth each section as straight as possible.
  5. Allow each straightened section to dry before moving to the next.
  6. Once the whole wig is straightened and dry, you can lightly mist with water andrebomb smooth.
  7. Allow to cool completely before styling the sleek, straight look.

Final Words

Always check if your synthetic wigs is heat-resistant before using any heated tools. Non heat-friendly wigs require sticking to heatless styling methods like rod sets, steam, hot water dipping or overnight wrapping and setting. Using too much direct heat can melt, frizz or otherwise ruin synthetic fiber wigs.


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