Alternative Haircare Through Season Changes
December 30, 2020
Views: 3249
Season changes can have an effect on our hair. Whenever there is a change in the temperature or the weather, our hair can respond by feeling dry and unmanageable. This is the same with alternative hair! During the season changes, hair toppers need more love.
When It's Cold and Dry
We are all familiar with the hair breakage, dryness, and frizz which can occur from dry and cold weather. By incorporating the following tips in topper haircare, we can minimize these harsh winter effects and prevent hair damage.
1. Deep Condition Regularly. This tip is important for any hair care regimen, and even more important during cold weather.
2. Avoid frequent heat styling. Frequent heat styling can perpetuate dry hair when the weather is cold.
3. Make sure your hair topper is completely dry before you wear it outside. Cold weather expands the hair shaft, resulting in fragile hair, so when it is wet the hair is more prone to breakage.
4. Apply a hair serum to your topper hair every day. To avoid a static party, the hair should be kept as hydrated as possible.
5. If your hair topper develops fly-aways, lightly wipe the hair with a dryer sheet. The fine hairs will be tamed immediately.
When It's Warm and Humid
During warm and humid weather, an increased percentage of water is held in the air. This humid air can cause topper hair, especially toppers made with human hair, to suck up the moisture resulting in frizz. Although it is possible to keep hair manageable in warm and humid weather by following these top tips.
1. Cut down the amount of hair topper washes in a humid climate.
2. Deep condition your hair topper every 2 to 3 washes.
3. Blow dry your human hair topper slowly and in small sections, whilst using the lowest heat setting.
4. If your hair topper is prone to fly-aways and frizz, carefully blot the hair dry with a T-shirt before blow-drying it (air-drying if it's a synthetic topper).
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